Dan Manz,
Senior Projects Specialist
Dan has served in various capacities as staff for NASEMSO, including project support of the National Scope of Practice Model, coordination of various activities related to the EMS Education Agenda, and lead facilitator for the EMS Personnel Licensure Compact. Based on his success in helping to create the EMS Compact, he also worked with the Physical Therapy community and the Council of State Governments in drafting their compact-enabling legislation. Dan brings over 45 years of emergency medical services (EMS) and public health experience to ASMI. In addition to serving as Vermont’s Director of EMS for 24 years, Dan has been intimately involved in numerous EMS projects of national scope and has worked successfully with a wide variety of public and private partners including academic researchers, physicians providing medical direction to EMS systems, EMS providers of all types, state regulators, and the public. Throughout his career Dan has consistently demonstrated his abilities to mentor/coach groups of professionals, communicate effectively with diverse groups of people, and facilitate strategic and innovative planning initiatives. Dan joined ASMI in 2013.