Current News
- New Safety Policies at ASMI (12/18/2024) - December 18, 2024 – ASMI has implemented two new company policies to enhance safety and ensure compliance with federal regulations: Seat Belt Policy – Employees are required to wear seat belts at all times when operating or riding in a motor vehicle for work-related purposes. This policy aligns with National…
- Six ASMI Colleagues Earned the QAS in 2024 (10/23/2024) - October 23, 2024 – ASMI is excited to announce that six personnel have recently completed the Qualified Association Specialist (QAS) program. Earning the QAS credential are: Account Executive Katherine Joseph, QAS Projects Manager Terry Lightheart-Sadler, QAS Education & Program Manager Kelli Perrotti, QAS Member Relations Coordinator Carol Tagliaferri, QAS Client…
- Amy Starchville Achieves Prestigious CAE Certification (6/18/2024) - Congratulations to Amy Starchville who has recently been awarded the Certified Association Executive (CAE) certification. This prestigious certification is granted to professionals who demonstrate exceptional skills and knowledge in association management, marking a significant career milestone. Amy Starchville works primarily with the American Trauma Society (ATS) and the National Homeland…
- NASEMSO Honors Freedom House Ambulance Veterans (6/4/2024) - The National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO) celebrated the Legacy of Freedom House Ambulance on May 15, 2024, at the Omni William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh. More than a half-century ago, the paramedics of Freedom House Ambulance became trailblazers as they were trained to perform advanced-level care in the…
- Two Team Members to be Honored at 2024 AAA Vanguard Awards (2/23/2024) - The 2024 American Ambulance Association Vanguard Awards recognize woman leaders with at least 35 years of service in EMS. Two ASMI team members have been selected to receive this award: Sue Prentiss and Leslee Stein-Spencer. Sue and Leslee will be recognized at the American Ambulance Association President's Reception award ceremony…
- ATS Staff Published in Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open (TSACO) (2/14/2024) - ATS Board member Anna Newcomb, TSN Coordinator Katherine Joseph, and ATS Executive Director Sue Prentiss were recently published in Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open (TSACO) on "Community of trauma care partnering with stakeholders to improve injury outcomes: focus group analysis." This paper highlights the engagement of trauma survivors and caregivers, the community…
- NASEMSO Deputy Executive Director Andy Gienapp Appeared on FOX & Friends (11/20/2023) - Nov. 17, 2023 – Andy Gienapp, NASEMSO Deputy Executive Director and Program Manager, appeared on "FOX & Friends First" on Friday, Nov. 17. He joined Emergency medical tech Rose Chappell to discuss why one Nebraska town endures long wait times for emergency services and what can be done to reverse…
- OTCC Releases First Annual Report (11/1/2023) - October 31, 2023 – ASMI began working for the Occupational Therapy Compact Commission (OTCC) in June 2023. The group has assembled its first Annual Report this year including information about the OTCC history and progress, and informative facts about state compacts in general and specific status for dozens of professions.…
- ASMI client, ATS, Welcomes New Trauma Survivors Network Program Advisor (6/19/2023) - ASMI's client, American Trauma Society (ATS) welcomes Elizabeth Wysocki to their team as the new Trauma Survivors Network Program Education Advisor. Elizabeth Wysocki is the Trauma Survivors Network Program Education Advisor for the American Trauma Society. Liz is currently a Program Manager with the Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC)…
- ASMI Client, EMAP, included in Trust for America’s Health Annual Report (6/7/2023) - One of ASMI’s client programs, the Emergency Management Accreditation Program, is used as an important indicator in the annual report issued by the Trust for America’s Health. See Ready or Not 2023: Protecting the Public’s Health from Diseases, Disasters, and Bioterrorism - TFAH. Back to Press Room
Archived News
- ASMI Program Manager Rachael Alter Publishes Article in Prehospital Emergency Care (9/20/2022) - September 20 - ASMI is proud to announce that Rachael Alter, program manager and staff liaison for the NASEMSO Pediatric Emergency Care Council, is a co-author of the article, “Pediatric Emergency Care Coordination in EMS Agencies: Findings of a Multistate Learning Cooperative.” The article was published today in the peer-reviewed…
- ASMI’s client IAEM featured in a new article (8/18/2022) - August 18 - ASMI client the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) is featured in an article released today about "Heroes & Humanitarians: A Salute to Stewards of Public Service", including content from an interview with IAEM CEO and ASMI President Beth Armstrong. Back to Press Room
- NASEMSO Celebrates 40th Anniversary and Releases Commemorative Booklet (6/22/2022) - The National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO), the lead national organization for emergency medical services, is celebrating its 40th-year anniversary during its Annual Meeting, June 19-23, in Charleston, South Carolina. In celebration of this momentous event, NASEMSO has released a commemorative booklet highlighting the organization’s leadership and history. In…
- Help Wanted: Member Relations Coordinator (6/22/2022) - This position is for an association management professional with experience in member services, project coordination, customer service, and support of staff teams. Responsible for coordinating successful execution of client objectives, including scheduling meetings, generating reports, staffing committees, and/or interfacing with client committees and board about activities. This new position at…
- Rachael Alter published in the Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open (3/2/2022) - ASMI's Rachael Alter was published in the Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open on Feb. 28, 2022, for her work in the article, "State emergency medical services guidance and protocol changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: A national investigation." This study characterizes state and territory EMS office…
- ASMI honored at AMCI’s Annual Meeting for achieving reaccreditation (3/2/2022) - ASMI was honored at AMC Institute’s Annual Meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on Feb. 18, 2022, for achieving reaccreditation. Among 500-plus Association Management Companies (AMC) worldwide, only 81 have achieved AMC Institute Accreditation, demonstrating the commitment and the ability to deliver the highest level of professional management services to association…
- ASMI Tools Help Other Association Management Companies (AMCs) Succeed (12/16/2021) - ASMI recently contributed valuable tools to the Association Management Company Institute (AMCI) to assist in building an AMC resource library. ASMI Checklist: Annual Management Team Actions to Maintain Accreditation ASMI Checklist: Annual Management Disclosures & Recommendations These two checklists are important guides for those seeking to model their business after…
- Help Wanted: Events & Project Coordinator (10/30/2021) - ASMI seeks an association or events professional with experience organizing meetings and managing projects. Responsible for coordinating teams to produce project deliverables, program planning, exhibit and sponsorship sales and management, onsite staffing and follow-up. Salary range is $42,000-55,000. Join ASMI to deliver non-profit expertise and services to socially responsible organizations…
- ASMI Client, American Trauma Society, Receives “Partner of the Year” Award from the Safe States Alliance (9/7/2021) - Congratulations to the American Trauma Society and its staff for receiving the “Partner of the Year Award” from the Safe States Alliance. This award acknowledges the contributions of an organization or sponsor for furthering the mission of the Safe States Alliance. Read the press release. Back to Press Room…
- ASMI Policies Promote Safe Workplace During Ongoing Pandemic (9/7/2021) - With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing, ASMI updated its Pandemic Health & Safety Policies. The policies provides resources for remote staff to fulfill their assigned duties and procedures to be followed when staff returns to the office. The policies were shared with all clients. Read the policies. Back to Press…
Media Contact
Dawn M. Shiley, Marketing & Communications Director