Our Services
ASMI helps non-profit organizations by customizing services needed to accomplish the group’s mission and purpose. Client business operations are conducted to maximize productivity and efficiency.
Financial Accounting
Financial management is according to Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP), delivered by personnel who specialize in non-profit organization management.
ASMI can help create a marketing plan defining target outreach efforts and key prospective donors/members and facilitate use of volunteers to appeal to colleagues.
Member Services
ASMI maintains membership records and membership retention is accomplished through a regular invoicing system. ASMI delivers regular communications to association members and creates listservs for members networking.
Meetings & Events
ASMI manages all aspects of meeting planning and conference production including event specifications; site research/negotiation; meeting logistics and management; and more.
Trade Show & Exhibits
ASMI is proficient in trade show management, including development, facility negotiations, exhibit sales and management, marketing and promotion, exhibit guide production, and onsite management.
Government Relations
ASMI’s government relations department includes a registered lobbyist and other professionals who specialize in legislative and regulatory advocacy work.
Public Relations
ASMI communications services include: media and press relations; press releases; article placement; editorial services; and graphics and design services
Website Administration
ASMI designs and maintains client web sites and data. ASMI staff helps clients identify the appropriate features, organization, and content to maintain the online portal to the group.
ASMI staff offer expertise in association publications, including editing, writing, design and production support for products ranging from professional, peer-reviewed journals to monthly newsletters to twice-monthly e-newsletters. Several client publications receive regular accolades as valued professional services.
Committees & Task Forces
ASMI staffs a range of committee and work group operations, providing the appropriate mix of leadership and support depending on level of subject matter expertise and staff needed for activities.
Statistics Program
ASMI manages statistics programs to benchmark performance and track professional trends, while maintaining confidentiality of data. Additionally, ASMI is adept at periodic special focus surveys via e-mail or online.
Grant Proposal Writing
For several clients, ASMI manages government grants and all financial and program accounting relevant to maintain those grants. ASMI’s grant writing team seeks funding opportunities (including government programs) that are appropriate for our clients and submits applications. Grants are managed by our Finance Department and the Contracts Management Team.
Awards Management
ASMI manages special programs for clients, including two extensive media contests that garner more than 500 entries and an international Scholarship Program with awards based on merit. Recognition is an important component of volunteer service, and ASMI is available to counsel and support any type of awards program. Applications and reviews can be conducted online depending on client needs.
Certification Management
ASMI guides clients through the development of certification programs, suh as the as the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) Certified Emergency Manager® Program funded by a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and recognized by many employers as a necessity for employment.